Solar Electrification Project with Barefoot College (India)
2 women from one village, 6 women from three village in one group, selected twice a year and send to the Barefoot College in India to attend the 6 months solar engineering course and come back with the solar home systems for their villages.
- Solar service technician for lifelong.
- Sustainable livelihoods.
- Rural electricity and rural development performed by over 60 years old women in village level.
- Kyaik Hto and Bago Township.
- Villages: Tawall Thaw Khamau Khwei Koka Htoun Taung
- Households total: around 231
Ayeyarwaddy Region
- Pathein and Yeikyi Township
- Villages: Zaya Hsi Kanhin Thone Hsin Nat Pay Shan Su
- Households total: around 390
- Sin Baung We Township
- Villages: Nyaung Pin Thar, Kyay Khine Ma
- Households total: around 300
- Kyauk Kyie and Than Taung Township
- Villages: Sale ၊ Myat Ye Tie Piin ၊ Than Taung Kyie
- Households total: around 450