The 41st CEC Meeting

On 24.03.2021.2021, the 41st CEC (Central Executive Committee) Meeting was held in the MWCDF Headquarters, Nay Pyi Taw.
Myanmar Women and Children Development Foundation
On 24.03.2021.2021, the 41st CEC (Central Executive Committee) Meeting was held in the MWCDF Headquarters, Nay Pyi Taw.
On 28.01.2021, CEC members and the Deputy Chairman from MWCDF donated a sum of Monetary Contribution as well as basic living items such as oil, potaooes, onions, drumsticks, face towels, books, 38 Mingala Books, the foundation’s calendars, candles, Child Kits
On 20.01.2021, members of MWCDF from the Yangon branch donated a total of (82)nunnery robes, 20 calendars and 10 large hand wash liquid to the Kaymar Rama Nunnery and the school of Education for Nuns in Aung Chan Thar Quarter,
On 17.01.2021, members of MWCDF from the Magway branch donated basic living items such as oil, chickpea, onion and eggs to 5 Nunneries in Magway.
From 15.01.2021 to 16.01.2021, the MWCDF Chairman for Kachin State Daw Khin Lay May and members participated in the Conference on Women and Child Rights hosted by the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief & Resettlement in Myit Kyi Na, Kachin
On 6 January 2021, the Coordinating Meeting of the “National Education Strategic Plan (2021-2030)” held by the Ministry of Education was held by a virtual system, attended by the Acting Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Central Executive Committee of the Myanmar Women