Participation of the Bago Branch MWCDF Members in the Myanmar Women’s Day Celebration Event

On 2.07.2021, the Chairman and members of the Bago MWCDF Branch attended the Myanmar Women Day Celebration Event hosted at Bago.
Myanmar Women and Children Development Foundation
On 2.07.2021, the Chairman and members of the Bago MWCDF Branch attended the Myanmar Women Day Celebration Event hosted at Bago.
On 2.07.2021, the secretary of the MWCDF Yangon Branch attended the Myanmar Women’s Day Celebration Event hosted by the Yangon Women’s Committee at the State Hall in Yangon.
On 3.07.2021, the Chairman of MWCDF participated and attended the Myanmar Women’s Day Celebration Event hosted at the conference hall of the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief & Resettlement .
On 25.06.2021, the Chairmans, Deputy Chairmans and members of the CEC and secretaries from the foundation’s states and divisions celebrated the 8th Anniversary of the founding of MWCDF via Zoom Online Meeting.
On 24.06.2021, members of the MWCDF Bago Branch donated basic living items such as rice, oil, garlic, beans, various snacks as well as monetary contribution to the Yadana Myitzu Nunnery at Bago during the Covid-19 period.
On 24.06.2021, the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman and the members of CEC from MWCDF participated in the planting saplings of various trees in celebration of the 8th Anniversary of the founding of MWCDF.